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Ontario Secondary School Diploma – one of the best in the world!

Published Bernice on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 12:00 AM

Ontario Secondary School Diploma

It is always hard to know which school is the right one for your child. We want to help you with this process by showing you why Merrick Preparatory School - a boutique boarding school in Ontario - is worth considering.

Did you know that our student graduate with one of the best high school diplomas in the world?

Did you know that with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) you can apply to any university you want in the world?

Our graduates have entered 100% at post-secondary institutions within Canada and around the world. We thrive to help each individual student with their own educational pathway. 

How do we know that the OSSD is one of the best?

The statistic of the OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) being ranked the #1 high school diploma in the world is based on research conducted by the Conference Board of Canada. The Conference Board of Canada is Canada’s premier research institution and think tank. They did a detailed and in depth study on global education. Their report covers the whole spectrum of education, from Kindergarten (age 5) to PhD.

The Conference Board of Canada ranked Ontario the 4th best education system, overall, in the world; this is from Kindergarten to PhD, with Japan ranked #1, Finland ranked #2 and the Canadian province of British Columbia ranked #3. However, the research points out that Ontario has the #1 world ranked high school diploma, above Japan and Finland, as follows:

“The three leading provinces (BC, Alberta and Ontario) have many results in common. For example, they all earn an “A+” on high school attainment, ranking higher than the top-performing peer country (Japan and Finland). Given that a high-school diploma is a prerequisite for higher education, these provinces are particularly well positions to have high rates of college and university attainment”.  Ontario’s high school system ranks higher than top-performing peer countries, including Japan and Finland. This also means that those graduating with the OSSD are best prepared for university anywhere in the world. 

The report continues stating that “British Columbia and Ontario stand out as having higher-than-average high-school attainment rates”, note that Alberta is not included.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly for our international student body, the report concludes: “The province’s (Ontario’s) top grades are “A+”s on high-school. Ontario excels at integrating immigrant students and has the smallest gap between the performance of immigrant and non-immigrant students. Ontario’s strong showing on this indicator is particularly significant given that it has the largest provincial share of immigrants”.

It is based on this research from the Conference Board of Canada that we state that the OSSD is the #1 ranked high school diploma in the world. It ranks higher than any other country and while comparable to British Columbia, Ontario stands out among all others in educating non-Canadian students, better than British Columbia.  

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